The musicians and vocalists from the Eastside Sound Golden Era 1960-1969
The photos of the band members and vocalists below capture historical and pivotal moments in the lives of many young musicians as they emerged from the relatively humble settings of their living rooms, garages, church basements, community, and veteran halls, as well as high school auditoriums, to eventually perform in local dance halls. As they honed their skills and dared to dream of possibilities outside of their daily existence, they felt moved and inspired by the pristine rhythms within their beating hearts and souls, which guided them to move effortlessly onstage as they were emancipating their talents. A few blossomed from relative obscurity and embarked on national tours that filled vast stadiums and captured global spotlights.
- The Ambertones
- The Atlantics
- The Blendells
- Blue Satins
- Cannibal and the Headhunters
- The Chekkers
- Thee Counts
- The Emeralds
- Thee Enchanters
- The Enchantments
- The Etalons
- The Imperials
- The Jaguars with The Salas Brothers
- Mark and The Escorts
- The Men from S.O.U.N.D.
- Mickey and the Invaders
- Thee Midniters
- The Mixtures
- Parlay Brothers
- The Premiers
- The Progressions
- Lil Ray Jimenez
- The Romances
- The Royal Checkmates
- The Sisters
- The Velvetones
- The Vesuvians
- The Village Callers
Photos of the East Los Angeles Music Experience Golden Era
The Slide Show Carousel below has arrows on either side of each photo to navigate from one photo to the next. In addition, there are thumbnail photos at the bottom of the carousel with arrows on each end to navigate or to select a specific photo to view.
The names and some photos of other popular bands and vocalists not pictured above are noted below. These entertainers’ names were taken from the flyers and posters of that time. The photos on this page also capture simple and visual narratives using the photography medium available at the time. The medium used was primarily black-and-white photography recorded on film. Unlike modern digital cameras, where countless photos can be captured on cell phones, film “rolls” capture 24 or 36 photos. The rolls of film were purchased primarily through camera shops and then loaded into the camera by threading the leading front end of the film inside a canister onto the spools inside the camera. Once all 24 or 36 photos had been taken, the roll of film was removed from the camera and taken to a local camera shop. There, the film was exposed, revealing the negatives of each photo. The negatives were then printed onto photo paper, and the photos were ready to be picked up by the photographer within a week or two. This long process was neither inexpensive nor available to all families. So, the historical photographic images on this page have many limitations in terms of their quantity and quality. Even though some of the photos are grainy and faded as the memories of someone who has walked through a lifetime of experiences, joy and sadness, triumphs, and disappointments, they still convey moments in time that captured the spirit and the excitement of that era along with a visual narrative of the performers and audience members who were there to witness musical glory. For the viewer of this page, is worth noting how young these talented musicians were. Some were in junior high school, and most were high school students. Both performers and audience members participated in the first Golden Era of the East Los Angeles Music Experience.
- Alfred and Joe
- Bobby and the Esquires
- Bobby and the Sensations
- Charlie Alvarado
- Clarence Playa
- Frankie Valens
- God’s Children
- Johnny and Joe
- Los Blue Angels
- Max Uballez
- Ronnie and the Pomona Casuals
- Shades of Brown
- Soul X-perience
- Sound Incorporated
- The Alderman
- The Blue Notes
- The Bonaventures
- The Carlos Brothers
- The Celestials
- The Deliters
- The Devotion Band
- The Emeralds
- The Enchanters
- The Entertainers
- The Epics
- The Eternals
- The Exciters
- The Exotics
- The Fabulons
- The Five J’s
- The Four Queens
- The Four Tempos
- The Gents Band
- The Heartbreakers
- The Impalas
- The Jades
- The Leggeriers
- The Little Heartbreakers
- The Lyrics
- The Medallions
- The Montclairs
- The Mystics
- The Nite Dreamers
- The Nite-liters
- The Noblemen
- The Occasions
- The Originals
- The Pagents
- The Perez Brothers
- The Prophets
- The Relations
- The Righteous Rhythms
- The Royal Checkmates
- The Runabouts
- The Showmen
- The Silhouettes
- The Silver tones
- The Slauson Brothers
- The Story Tellers
- The V.I.P.s
- The Vicounts
- Thee Essents
- Decembers Children
- Six Pak
The gallery of talent below is a small representation of the immense number of musical acts from the East LA Music Experience Golden Era.

Contribute to our collection
If you have photos, band cards or stories you would like to share and contribute to this website, click on the “Contribute” button.